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Recent Reviews for Hillsborough, NC Tutoring


When I enrolled in Organic Chemistry for the 3rd time, I was feeling like I would never pass the class. I met with Paul virtually and right away, he helped me understand the concepts. Paul was available at night and during the weekends and was always prompt, cheery and knowledgeable; he referenced multiple organic chemistry textbooks during our meetings to make sure I understood everything. Paul would go over every single chapter problem from the textbook and even prepared a practice final exam for me on concepts I was slightly struggling with. Paul was an excellent tutor; he made the atmosphere comfortable (for someone who was ready to give up on science), he was smart (he owns organic chem textbooks), and he was gifted in the way that he could explain the same topic in five different ways in a cheery tone. Needless to say, I passed the class as well as organic chemistry two and this would not have been possible without Paul's help!

Sophia S. reviews Paul Hoertz
Organic Chemistry