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Art Theory Tutor

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Why You Need a Art Theory Tutor

Art can take on several forms; film, music, theater, paintings and pop culture are only a handful. Each of these serves as entertainment and to make people happy. But when art is made for a specific audience or purpose, it begins work on a different level. For example, films can be made to spread awareness or cultural appreciation. Additionally, songs can be composed in a way to bring out certain emotions, inspirations, or even to boost the morale of listeners. The theory of art has many different avenues to explore and art theory tutoring can help guide you.

An art theory tutor can help boost your grade and teach you beyond the textbook. An art theory course is one that is eye-opening but it is also one that can be difficult for some students. A large part of the course is going to be your ability to get your ideas onto paper in a way that can be understood by your professor. Not everyone is fantastic with communicating via essay especially when it comes to how you feel about certain art. But when you have a qualified art tutor who understands how to formulate compelling essays that can also proofread your paper it will help you impress your professor as well as yourself. It might even be challenging for you to simply vocalize an opinion about art in a way that you feel is contributing to the conversation in the actual classroom. A private art theory tutor will help you think about things in different terms which will allow you to be more vocal both in class and through your words.

Exams are also an aspect of the course that not everyone is going to find easy. There are several dates, names, terms, and other things that need to be memorized. Essentially you are taking a history or social studies class because art theory is history. Behind every work of art, there is typically some sort of historical relevance. So if you have trouble memorizing things for a normal class, you are also going to struggle to remember the important factors behind the pieces in an art theory course. Not only will you have to remember the date but you will also have to remember what the artist was trying to say with their piece and what the social relevance of the piece was during the time period. One of our great tutors will help you achieve your academic goals by assisting you in creating a solid study schedule while also teaching you terminology and analysis techniques.

When the time is right and you find an art theory tutor you will be working with someone who has a true understanding of the topics you will be exploring. If you are currently an artist or have any dreams of one day pursuing it as a career, you know “I need an art theory tutor.” If you are currently enrolled in college you need a tutor so that you can have discussions with someone who has the experience you are working toward achieving. This will be unmatched to anything that you get while in your class. A one-on-one art theory tutor really seeks to make sure that you can interpret the art you are studying thus helping you become a better overall artist.

If you are not in college or taking any type of class but one day hope to be an artist or are currently pursuing the career, the more knowledge you have the better you will be as a creative. When you discover an “art theory tutor near me” you will be uncovering an entire world of art and artists that you may not have been privy too. In order to be one of the greats, it is important that you study the greats. There is typically reason and motive behind each piece of art, from the creator's standpoint. When you find “art theory tutoring near me” you will be finding our these truths and several other facts. As a working artist, you need to understand what happened before you so you can fully develop your artistic abilities. It was once said by the late great Picasso that all great artists steal. When you study art theory you will better understand his words, as the quote comes from a place of appreciation. Everyone artist someone they look up to and who inspires them to create their own art.

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Benefits of Hiring a Art Theory Tutor

Working with an Art Theory Tutor can teach you that art creates intellectual discourse, so much so that it can question and change the behavior of an entire society. Art is such a powerful influence in the world and learning about its power is intriguing. You will get a better advantage when working in a private setting about art’s ability to reach out to a person that shares similar feelings and experiences or does not.

Our art theory tutors are incredibly gifted and all of them have college degrees so they know what it takes to pass the class you are in. Sometimes all it takes is the help of someone who can teach you in a way that you are not getting while in the typical lecture hall. When enrolled in a course such as art theory you are dealing with a professor who has a set lesson plan that will benefit all of the students. This is not ideal for you if you are struggling with any of the material.

Also, these classes usually operate as an open forum, where students are able to verbalize what it is they want to say about each piece. This creates room for debate and a time for students to show how much they know. If you are not truly understanding you might find yourself being shy and not wanting to speak up. Even if you are not a person who is typically bashful, you are probably afraid of embarrassing yourself and saying something that is incorrect.

When you sit down with a tutor who cares about your advancement in the subject you are getting a unique learning experience. Our teacher will take what you have learned in the course and then explore the plethora of topics with you. This will allow you to be in a judgment-free zone where you can talk freely and get honest, constructive feedback. But you will not just be getting feedback from a friend or family member, it will be from someone who has years of experience studying art theory. So the assessment that you will receive will be one grounded in these credentials.

Art theory is a course that can be filled with information you have to memorize and that can be intimidating. But it is a class that covers art which is supposed to amuse and entertain even if it has a deep, important message. With that being said, our tutors want you to be able to enjoy yourself while you are learning this material. Unless you want to be an artist one day you probably do not think there is any relevance in your ability to articulate your feelings when it comes to art, but this is simply not correct. The majority of people who purchase and love fine art are not artists at all but they have a deep appreciation for it or the pieces they buy speak to them. This comes down to the fact that they have an understanding of art theory.

Art can be a long-term investment and if you develop an eye for it you might find that you can make a lot of money reselling any paintings you may have bought. Or you could one day invest in a film or an artist’s career. These are all investments that can have large payouts but only if you have the right eye. This eye you will be developing comes from the work you will have done with your art tutor. Even if you never actually buy or sell any art, being able to communicate your feelings in a comprehensible way be able to translate to several other aspects of your life. Or it can create fantastic dinner conversation while you go back and forth about a new film you have watched or a painting that just sold recently for an insurmountable amount of money. Art is culture and understanding it will only prove worthwhile for you in the long run. An art history tutor will make sure you have this awareness.

HeyTutor has hundreds of art theory tutors that can teach art as more than just a practice but as a way of life. Our skilled tutors share their passion for art with you while helping to reveal your own love for the arts. We work around your schedule and come to you, making your learning experience stress-free and natural. Work with one of our local art tutors today to start making an impression on the art world.

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Recent Reviews for Art Theory Tutoring


Erica really connected with my 12 year old artist in the making! In one lesson, she learned some techniques that removed some roadblocks she was having with drawing profiles. Great teacher and we’ll be scheduling more lessons!

Darin B. reviews Erica Feldenzer
Art Theory