I use Art as a context clue and filter it through a lens of Folklore, Mythology, Legend, and Occult Lore. I then craft interesting and fun performances/lectures, and theories that captivate audiences of all ages! I have sixteen years working, Teaching and Researching at the University level.
I study “cryptozoology,” but I don't hunt for “Monsters? I look for “Ghosts,” but I'm not a “ghost-hunter,” I'm a Researcher, Teacher, Writer, and Performance Artist that studies Anomalies and Art-history. I collect stories and "sightings" of the strange and wonderful and have cataloged hundreds of stories that are yet to be published anywhere. These stories and accounts include "The Gigantic Flying Manta Ray of Provo," "The Provo Vortex" (An Area of Provo I have been researching for over twenty-years that has sighting and tales of "Faerie Folk," "Ghosts Lore," "Displaced Time/Time Travel," "Strange Humanoids," among many other things!
Projects I am Currently working on include:
A Documentary on "The Provo Vortex."
Utah Folklore and Legends focusing on Utah County Faerie Lore
Imaginary Friend" asking the question, What if the Imaginary Friend isn't all that imaginary?
"The Death of The Festival In The First World Country."
Presently working on a documentary about the Legend and Truth of the Unicorn.
I am also in the process of researching and creating a Ghost Tour for Sugar House Utah.
Utah Valley University
Integrated Studies: History and Social Sciences Concentration in Philosophy with a minor in Peace and Justice Studies
BYU Library and the L. Tom Perry Special Collections are creating the "Danny B Stewart Folklore Collection" for Preservation and Scholarly Access. They will be collecting all of my original Folklore, Local Legend fieldwork, and research.
Test Preparation
Social Studies