I've been an Independent tutor mainly in math and science to elementary, middle, high school and college students (up to the level of elementary quantum mechanics and elementary differential equations) across NYC, and helped with homework and projects in other areas like reading, writing and social studies. I've assisted standardized test preparation including for secondary school admissions, secondary school equivalency, and college admissions.
When I worked at McDonald's, a young lady coworker called me "Mr. Positivity." I'm a good teammate. We can do this--with smiles even if we sweat.
I appreciate the effort needed in all academics subjects, and not because I've always excelled in them. Just the mass of the school system can sometimes sap your steadiness; and while I've won honors for some of my scholastic efforts--including in the universally infamous freshman physics sequence--and extra-curricular hobbies (like poetry, extended by the oldest literary organization in America), splitting my head and heart between such different interests has impressed on me the value of disciplined, patient effort to reap good, solid fruit. I hope I can impart extra confidence in patiently growing your own academic, and free intellectual, fruit.
City College of New York of the City University of New York, The
Zemansky Introductory Physics Prize
Test Preparation