My tutoring experience came after getting out of the military in 2007. I started working in the school system as a Interrelated Resource Teacher in 2014 to present. I am certified to teach and support students in various special education programs and also general education students from K-12 while teaching basic Math, Language Arts, Grammar, Writing, Social Studies and Reading. I prepare students with special needs to function in society. I have worked with students with behavior/emotional issues that affect their learning abilities, students with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It gives me a great honor to assist students in becoming self-reliance and gain confidence in their previously challenged subject, also preparing them for their upcoming End of Course Tests (EOCT). I have completed a variety of math courses including Pre-Algebra, Algebra I/II, History, Social Studies, Reading, Writing and Language Arts. I have strong foundation in these courses and continue to tutor students in high school on these subjects.
Middle Georgia State University
Business Administration and Information Technology
Social Studies