Complete Good Sleep Habits Course

10 Units - 52 video lessons

Complete Good Sleep Habits Course - Introduction
So much of bad sleep is caused simply by bad habits in the nighttime before going to bed. These habits can be changed. If you are ready to start a great night sleep, I huge you to go ahead and enroll in this course today. You can be fully rested and energetic every single day. Go ahead and Sign up now!!!
2 Step Process To Increase Sleep
In this course, I will give you hundreds of tips on how to get a better night sleep. In this video, we will focus on one simple one. You have probably heard the tip to stop looking at the email and text an hour before going to sleep. I want to go a little deeper, and it is a two-step process. Watch this video to find out the two-step process that increases your chance of getting a good night sleep.
Watch This Before You Try Pills or Other Quick Fixes
Scientists conclude that sleeping pills create the illusion of sleep, but sleep quality is so poor that it causes severe damage. Sleeping pills are not the solution; chances are there are some habits you need to change to get a good night sleep. In this video, I will share with you a quick fix you can try if you have been suffering from poor sleep.
How This Course Is Different from Any Other Sleep Course
I want to help you get a better night sleep and reduce insomnia, and I want to do it in a very specific way. In this course, I will refresh your memory on all the other tips you have heard of good habits to increase the odds of having a good night sleep and reducing insomnia, give you new tips and give you a system of actually changing these into habits that you practice on a daily basis so that you can go throughout the rest of your life with good night sleep and no insomnia.
Build a Positive Sleep Philosophy
The majority of people in the world having trouble sleeping or have insomnia have it because of bad daily habits we practice, not because of underlying health or medical conditions. This course is to help you influence yourself to build a better habit to increase the odds of getting a good night sleep and decreasing insomnia, and you will learn unique ways of taking good ideas and turning them into habits. In this video, I will share with you what this course is about and who the course is for.
Please Consult Your Doctor If You Have Any Serious Medical Conditions
This course is to help you influence yourself to build a better habit to increase the odds of getting a good night sleep and decreasing insomnia, and you will learn unique ways of taking good ideas and turning them into habits. In this video, I will share with you what this course is about and who the course is for.
Establish A Winning Nighttime Routine
Everything important in life typically has its own routine. When sleeping well is important to you, you need to have a set routine. In this section, we will focus on your nighttime routine and what you do in a couple of hours before you try to fall asleep.
You Don't Want to Hear This, But You've Got To Turn Your Screen Off
In this video, I will share with you the first tip, which is critical if you want to increase the odds of sleeping. You have to do away with what can agitate you and destroy your ability to relax and drift off into sleep.
The Perfect Way to Fill The Last Hour of the Night
In this video, I will share with you my recommendation of what you can do instead of watching TV or Netflix or talking to friends on social media at the last hour of the night. This recommendation is excellent for your brain at many levels, it is generally much more calming, and you are stopping your brain from being bombarded with new messages from people. It has a profound impact on your ability to fall asleep with a peaceful mindset.
Dim Lighting will Make You look Good and Sleep Better
In addition to the previous tip I have given, in this video, you will learn another tip you need to do the last hour or 2 hours before you go to bed. When you are trying to position yourself for a great night sleep, do everything you can to stay away from bright light. The less bright light you can subject yourself to, the better.
Pick a Bedtime and Stick to It!
If you want to have the best night sleep and you want to reduce your chances of insomnia, you need to go to bed at the same time every single night. In this video, you will learn how to pick a set time you want to go to bed every single night and backup for that.
Figure Out What Relaxes You
What relaxes everyone is different. It could be listening to meditation music, taking a bubble bath, listening to relaxing music, and much more. You just have to figure out what works for you and put you in a relaxing mood. In this video, you will learn how to figure out what relaxes you, have a set routine, and stick with it.
A Cool Room Is Cool
For most people, it is easier to get a good night sleep in a relatively cool room. In this video, I will share with you tips to regulate the temperature of your room as much as possible to make you comfortable and give you the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Get Your Water Ready
In this video, I will share with you another routine you should have before you go to bed. Make sure to have a glass of water next to your bed, especially if you wake up with a dry mouth or wake up thirsty. I don’t recommend that you use a bottle of water but a cup of water. Find out why in this video.
Drink As Little As Possible Before Bed
In this video, I will share with you one last nighttime routine I have before going to bed. The less you have to go to the toilet, the easier it is to get a good night sleep. If you ever have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, watch this video till the end.
Tools To Help You Sleep Better
In this video, I will be taking through all we will discuss in this section. In this section, I will be sharing with you tips that will help you have a better night sleep and reduce your chances of having insomnia. Some of the tools that I am going to show you cost very little money.
Pick The Best Bed for You
In this video, we will talk about the first tool you need to have a better night sleep. Your bed is the first foundation of your sleep. You must figure out what is comfortable for you to sleep. It would help if you got a mattress that works for you. After watching this video, you would have learned about what you need to have in mind when shopping and choosing a mattress and when to change your mattress.
If You Must Use an Alarm...
You may be using your cell phone as your own alarm clock, but a cell phone in the bedroom is the worst thing to do if you want a good night sleep and you want to reduce the potential causes of insomnia. If you must use an alarm, get an old fashion clock. In this video, I will share with you the reasons why you should use an old fashion clock instead of your cell phone as an alarm.
Don't Let Your Lips Go Dry
In the previous section, I have already talked about having a glass of water next to your bed in case you wake up thirsty. In this video, we will talk about proper hydration. Apply a little lip balm on your lips right before you sleep. This is a special weapon during the winter months. Watch this video to find out the advantages of using a lip balm.
Sleep Masks Might Look Fussy, But they Get the Job Done
Another tool to help you sleep better is sleep masks. It can help you get a better night sleep by blocking out artificial light and natural light from going into the eyes if you are sleeping past the sunrise, and helps to maintain hormone balance. In this video, I will share with you important reasons to use a sleep mask at night.
Blackout Shades Will Help You Avoid Waking At the Crack of Dawn
We humans are programmed psychologically to wake up when there is sunlight. The best bedroom is one that allows no sunlight in whatsoever. In this video, I will share with you another great tool to help you avoid waking at the crack of dawn, help you sleep better, and reduce your chances of having insomnia.
Earplugs Might Seem Extreme, But They Can Really Help
It is impossible to get a good night sleep if you are in a noisy environment. In this video, we are going to discuss about using earplugs to cover the ear canal to reduce the noise that comes into your ears. Earplugs are one of the best investments you can make to increase the quality of your sleep drastically.
A White Noise Machine Can Sound Better Than Music to Your Ears
Some people find earplugs uncomfortable. I highly recommend a white noise machine. It is not loud, but it blocks out so much noise and distractions from birds, music, and conversations from your neighbors. In this video, you will learn about the one function and advantages of a white noise machine and how to operate it.
The First Tool You Should Try If You Snore
I am not a medical expert. I am just teaching you all the best practices when it comes to habits to increase the quality of your sleep, but there is a medical condition that affects a considerable percentage of the population in the world. The condition is snoring. People with severe snoring conditions are constantly waking up, and they never go into a deep sleep. In this video, you will learn about the causes, problems, and different techniques for stopping snoring.
Don't Let Dry Mouth In the Winter Keep You Up
In this video, I will share another tool that can help increase the quality of your sleep and reduce your chances of insomnia, especially in the wintertime. You will learn how to use a humidifier for you don’t like waking up to a dry mouth.
A Therapy Light Can Help Regulate Your Sleep Times
Here is another tool to help you improve the quality of your sleep and decrease your chances of having insomnia. The therapy light helps in regulating sleep and helps you stick to your regular bedtime and wake-up time. In this video, I will share with you the importance of a therapy light and how you can use of the therapy light.
Be Wary of Wearables and Apps
The fewer electronics in your bedroom, the more you are likely to have a good night sleep and reduce levels of insomnia. In this video, I will share with you reasons why you shouldn't use wearables, applications, and sleep tracking tools in the bedroom. I strongly recommend that you follow all the simple basic good habits before escalating to having electronic appliances on your body while you are trying to sleep.
Your Morning Will Affect Your Sleep
In this section, we will talk about your morning routine. Your morning routine is connected to you getting a good night sleep and getting rid of insomnia, so I will strongly encourage you to pay attention to this section of the course. Let's begin!
Early Morning Sunlight Is Great!
Sunlight sends a message to your brain that it is time to wake up and experience a different time of the day. Try to get some sunlight and a little fresh air when you wake up in the morning. In this video, I will share with you a great way to start your day.
Meditation Can Calm the Brain and Facilitate Sleep
In this video, I will share with you the best time to meditate, the beauty of meditating first thing in the morning, tips that will help you to meditate properly, and types of meditation. When you meditate in the morning, you will find it easier to turn your day off and focus on sleep when it is your bedtime. This routine will give a slight increase to you having a good night sleep and reducing your insomnia.
Journaling Can Relieve Stress On Your Brain
Another great practice in the morning is journaling. Journaling is writing what you are thinking about, what happened the day before, concerns, successes, etc. Getting your important thought down makes it easier not to obsess over your thought when you are trying to fall asleep or in the middle of the night. In this video, you will learn about how getting journaling can help relieve stress on your brain.
Exercise in the Morning
The morning is the perfect time to do some exercises. The morning is when you are supposed to have the most rest even if you didn't get a good night sleep, there are fewer distractions, and you have more self-discipline in the morning. Morning is the best time of the day to do some exercise. In this video, you will learn about how exercises can help you have a great night sleep and decrease your chances of having insomnia.
Fuel Your Body To Run Efficiently
I will not go into what you should eat for breakfast or whether you should skip breakfast or do intermittent fasting. I want you to give a lot of thought to giving your body the healthiest food you need. Many people have poor night sleep and insomnia because they garbage all day long. In this video, you will learn about the types of foods you should stay away from and those you should have if you want to have a good night sleep.
The Morning Coffee?
When talking about morning routines, you are probably expecting me to talk about taking a cup of coffee. If you drink coffee all day long, You will have problems falling asleep at night. Caffeine in coffee accumulates in the system that even if you are able to fall asleep, it can wake you up. In this video, you will learn about the side effect of taking excessive caffeine.
Your Diet Will Have a Good or Bad Impact on Your Sleep
There are other factors that you need to consider when it comes to your diet and how to fix your sleep. In this video, you will learn about all you need to take into consideration when it comes to your diet and what you generally eat. You cannot go wrong with water. Always take a look at what you are eating. When you eat garbage or processed foods, every part of your body is likely to operate less effectively, including sleep.
Alcohol Can Be Tricky When It Comes to Sleep
If you do drink alcohol, there are several things that you have to really keep in mind. Alcohol impedes the quality of your sleep, and you are much more likely to wake up early, not go into a deep sleep, wake up dehydrated, and hard to get back to sleep. In this video, you will get recommendations on taking alcohol and figuring out your limit. Alcohol can make you fall asleep faster, but that is not the goal. The goal is to have a good night sleep.
Move More!
If you do drink alcohol, there are several things that you have to really keep in mind. Alcohol impedes the quality of your sleep, and you are much more likely to wake up early, not go into a deep sleep, wake up dehydrated, and hard to get back to sleep. In this video, you will get recommendations on taking alcohol and figuring out your limit. Alcohol can make you fall asleep faster, but that is not the goal. The goal is to have a good night sleep.
Spend Time in Nature
Daytime activities can really help you sleep better at night. Find time to spend some time out in nature. You can go for a walk. Find out more about daytime activities you can do and the importance of spending time in nature in this video.
Schedule Digital Detox Periods Throughout Your Day
I highly recommend you go through digital detox during your daytime to help you get a better night sleep. In this video, you will learn about staying off cell phones, the internet, computers, and TV for a few hours each day. Find a convenient time for you to do digital detox to think, reflect, ruminate, and process what is going on in your life, which in turn helps you relax and get a good night sleep.
A Hot Soak Late In the Day Can Relax You
In this video, I will talk about another routine that can help you sleep at night, which is taking a hot bath late in the day or early evening for a few amount of time. A hot bath is a type of massage for the body, makes you relax, reduces stress, and dramatically increases the odds of having a good night sleep. Watch this video till the end to find out the importance of having a hot bath.
Avoid this Trap If You Ever Want to Sleep
We talked about not having your phone in your bedroom in previous videos. Instead of pressing your phone, reading a paper book will help you fall asleep quickly. In this video, we will talk about the biggest blunders and some of the worst habits you could make if you want to destroy a good night sleep or make insomnia even worse. I will share with you the biggest tip of all if you ever want to sleep.
Naps Can Be Tricky
In this video, we will talk about naps. Naps for some people are great, and many successful people do naps, but if you have trouble sleeping at night or have problems with insomnia, napping for more than 20 minutes in the day may cause your sleep problems. It is important that you test if you routinely fall asleep in the afternoon and sleep for 2 to 3 hours. If you do, watch this video for my recommendation so that you can get a good night sleep.
Good Sleep Habits Are Even More Important When You Travel
In this video, I am going to share with you a few tips and recommendations for getting better sleep before you travel in different time zones around the globe. I have recommendations on what and what not to do when you are on the airplane, when you have flown through the night, and you could not sleep on the plane. I will strongly recommend that you do not take sleeping pills.
Now Comes the Most Important Part
Thanks for spending time with me this far. I have given you best practices for good habits to help you sleep better and reduce insomnia. Now in this section, we are going to figure out how to make these best practices real. This is the most crucial aspect of the course because I will share with you a system to make things become a habit so that you do them automatically and reduce insomnia.
Why It Is So Hard To Get Sleep in the 2020s
It was relatively easy to get a good night sleep for most of human history, and scientists believe that humans slept for 9 hours and sometimes 10 or 11 hours a day. Now in the last 15 years, things have changed drastically. In this video, you will learn about the cause of the changes. This device bombards users with messages to grab their attention and, in turn, makes it even harder to get a good night sleep.
Turn Conscious Facts Into Unconscious Habits
There are specific habits you need to practice on a daily basis to get better sleep and reduce insomnia. You have heard many of them before, but how do you go from intellectually knowing these habits to actually building the habits. In this video, you will learn how to bring your sleeping goals into reality.
Marketing Good Sleep Habits To Your Brain
In this video, we will figure out how advertising can work for you. There is one form of advertising that is simple and easy. It is selfiespeak programming audio used to speak to yourself about all habits you want to follow on a daily basis to increase the odds of you getting a good night sleep. Watch this video to learn how to make a selfiespeak programming audio on your smartphone.
Here Is An Example of a Sleep SelfieSpeak Program
In this video, you will get an audio file that is my version of selfiespeak program to sleep, and you can change it. The audio is to guide you. The selfiespeak program helps you record your own daily habits goals, which will help you get a better night sleep.
Create Your Own SelfieText Program and Checklist
You can create a selfiespeak program for yourself. In this video, I will share with you a simple check list of to-do items that you can create for yourself to practice it every day to help you get a better night sleep. Combining a selfiespeak program and selfietext program is a powerful way to help you have healthy sleep practices.
Getting Close the The End - Get Ready!
We are almost at the end of this course on how to help you get a good night sleep and reduce insomnia. I hope you have been able to try some of the tips and techniques I shared with you. Most of all, I hope you have put together your own selfiespeak program to help you have a good night sleep.
Give Feedback On How to Improve this Sleep Course Now
We are heading to the conclusion. If you have any suggestions on improving this course and having a good night sleep, please leave a comment in the comment box or on Facebook. Please, let me know how to make this course better.
Congratulations! You are Ready for Good Sleep
Congratulations, you have come to the end of the course on having a good night sleep. I hope you have learned one or two things, and you now have a system in place to increase the odds that you are following good solid habits to increase the odds of you getting a good night sleep. Thank you for taking this course. I wish you a great night sleep every night for the rest of your life. Sweet dreams!

About Instructor


TJ Walker


TJ Walker is the founder of Media Training Worldwide and has been conducting public speaking training workshops and seminars since 1984. Walker has trained Presidents of countries, Prime Ministers, Nobel Peace Prize winners, Super Bowl winners, US Senators, Miss Universes and Members of Parliament. He has conducted presentation and media training workshops on six continents in more than two dozen countries. His book, "Secret to Foolproof Presentations" was a USA Today # 1 Bestseller, as well as a Wall Street Journal, and Business Week Bestseller. Walker is also the author of "Media Training AZ" and "Media Training Success." Walker's Facebook page "TJ Walker Speak to Influence" is the #1 page for 7-day a week video tutorials on how to be a better public speaker and communicator. In 2009, Walker set the Guinness Book of World Records for Most Talk Radio Appearances ever in a 24 hour period. Walker has also served as a former President of the National Speakers Association, New York City. Walker was a merit scholar at Duke University where he graduated magna cum laude. What others say: “TJ Walker's single-minded devotion to presentation has made him the #1 expert for executives seeking guidance on speaking to the public and media." Bob Bowdon, Anchor/Reporter, Bloomberg Television “TJ Walker is the leading media trainer in the world." Stu Miller, Viacom News Producer (TJ Walker's Media Training Worldwide) “The world's leading presentation and media training firm." Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Channel Anchor

0 Reviews 0 Students 16 Courses

10 Units - 52 video lessons

Complete Good Sleep Habits Course - Introduction
So much of bad sleep is caused simply by bad habits in the nighttime before going to bed. These habits can be changed. If you are ready to start a great night sleep, I huge you to go ahead and enroll in this course today. You can be fully rested and energetic every single day. Go ahead and Sign up now!!!
2 Step Process To Increase Sleep
In this course, I will give you hundreds of tips on how to get a better night sleep. In this video, we will focus on one simple one. You have probably heard the tip to stop looking at the email and text an hour before going to sleep. I want to go a little deeper, and it is a two-step process. Watch this video to find out the two-step process that increases your chance of getting a good night sleep.
Watch This Before You Try Pills or Other Quick Fixes
Scientists conclude that sleeping pills create the illusion of sleep, but sleep quality is so poor that it causes severe damage. Sleeping pills are not the solution; chances are there are some habits you need to change to get a good night sleep. In this video, I will share with you a quick fix you can try if you have been suffering from poor sleep.
How This Course Is Different from Any Other Sleep Course
I want to help you get a better night sleep and reduce insomnia, and I want to do it in a very specific way. In this course, I will refresh your memory on all the other tips you have heard of good habits to increase the odds of having a good night sleep and reducing insomnia, give you new tips and give you a system of actually changing these into habits that you practice on a daily basis so that you can go throughout the rest of your life with good night sleep and no insomnia.
Build a Positive Sleep Philosophy
The majority of people in the world having trouble sleeping or have insomnia have it because of bad daily habits we practice, not because of underlying health or medical conditions. This course is to help you influence yourself to build a better habit to increase the odds of getting a good night sleep and decreasing insomnia, and you will learn unique ways of taking good ideas and turning them into habits. In this video, I will share with you what this course is about and who the course is for.
Please Consult Your Doctor If You Have Any Serious Medical Conditions
This course is to help you influence yourself to build a better habit to increase the odds of getting a good night sleep and decreasing insomnia, and you will learn unique ways of taking good ideas and turning them into habits. In this video, I will share with you what this course is about and who the course is for.
Establish A Winning Nighttime Routine
Everything important in life typically has its own routine. When sleeping well is important to you, you need to have a set routine. In this section, we will focus on your nighttime routine and what you do in a couple of hours before you try to fall asleep.
You Don't Want to Hear This, But You've Got To Turn Your Screen Off
In this video, I will share with you the first tip, which is critical if you want to increase the odds of sleeping. You have to do away with what can agitate you and destroy your ability to relax and drift off into sleep.
The Perfect Way to Fill The Last Hour of the Night
In this video, I will share with you my recommendation of what you can do instead of watching TV or Netflix or talking to friends on social media at the last hour of the night. This recommendation is excellent for your brain at many levels, it is generally much more calming, and you are stopping your brain from being bombarded with new messages from people. It has a profound impact on your ability to fall asleep with a peaceful mindset.
Dim Lighting will Make You look Good and Sleep Better
In addition to the previous tip I have given, in this video, you will learn another tip you need to do the last hour or 2 hours before you go to bed. When you are trying to position yourself for a great night sleep, do everything you can to stay away from bright light. The less bright light you can subject yourself to, the better.
Pick a Bedtime and Stick to It!
If you want to have the best night sleep and you want to reduce your chances of insomnia, you need to go to bed at the same time every single night. In this video, you will learn how to pick a set time you want to go to bed every single night and backup for that.
Figure Out What Relaxes You
What relaxes everyone is different. It could be listening to meditation music, taking a bubble bath, listening to relaxing music, and much more. You just have to figure out what works for you and put you in a relaxing mood. In this video, you will learn how to figure out what relaxes you, have a set routine, and stick with it.
A Cool Room Is Cool
For most people, it is easier to get a good night sleep in a relatively cool room. In this video, I will share with you tips to regulate the temperature of your room as much as possible to make you comfortable and give you the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Get Your Water Ready
In this video, I will share with you another routine you should have before you go to bed. Make sure to have a glass of water next to your bed, especially if you wake up with a dry mouth or wake up thirsty. I don’t recommend that you use a bottle of water but a cup of water. Find out why in this video.
Drink As Little As Possible Before Bed
In this video, I will share with you one last nighttime routine I have before going to bed. The less you have to go to the toilet, the easier it is to get a good night sleep. If you ever have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, watch this video till the end.
Tools To Help You Sleep Better
In this video, I will be taking through all we will discuss in this section. In this section, I will be sharing with you tips that will help you have a better night sleep and reduce your chances of having insomnia. Some of the tools that I am going to show you cost very little money.
Pick The Best Bed for You
In this video, we will talk about the first tool you need to have a better night sleep. Your bed is the first foundation of your sleep. You must figure out what is comfortable for you to sleep. It would help if you got a mattress that works for you. After watching this video, you would have learned about what you need to have in mind when shopping and choosing a mattress and when to change your mattress.
If You Must Use an Alarm...
You may be using your cell phone as your own alarm clock, but a cell phone in the bedroom is the worst thing to do if you want a good night sleep and you want to reduce the potential causes of insomnia. If you must use an alarm, get an old fashion clock. In this video, I will share with you the reasons why you should use an old fashion clock instead of your cell phone as an alarm.
Don't Let Your Lips Go Dry
In the previous section, I have already talked about having a glass of water next to your bed in case you wake up thirsty. In this video, we will talk about proper hydration. Apply a little lip balm on your lips right before you sleep. This is a special weapon during the winter months. Watch this video to find out the advantages of using a lip balm.
Sleep Masks Might Look Fussy, But they Get the Job Done
Another tool to help you sleep better is sleep masks. It can help you get a better night sleep by blocking out artificial light and natural light from going into the eyes if you are sleeping past the sunrise, and helps to maintain hormone balance. In this video, I will share with you important reasons to use a sleep mask at night.
Blackout Shades Will Help You Avoid Waking At the Crack of Dawn
We humans are programmed psychologically to wake up when there is sunlight. The best bedroom is one that allows no sunlight in whatsoever. In this video, I will share with you another great tool to help you avoid waking at the crack of dawn, help you sleep better, and reduce your chances of having insomnia.
Earplugs Might Seem Extreme, But They Can Really Help
It is impossible to get a good night sleep if you are in a noisy environment. In this video, we are going to discuss about using earplugs to cover the ear canal to reduce the noise that comes into your ears. Earplugs are one of the best investments you can make to increase the quality of your sleep drastically.
A White Noise Machine Can Sound Better Than Music to Your Ears
Some people find earplugs uncomfortable. I highly recommend a white noise machine. It is not loud, but it blocks out so much noise and distractions from birds, music, and conversations from your neighbors. In this video, you will learn about the one function and advantages of a white noise machine and how to operate it.
The First Tool You Should Try If You Snore
I am not a medical expert. I am just teaching you all the best practices when it comes to habits to increase the quality of your sleep, but there is a medical condition that affects a considerable percentage of the population in the world. The condition is snoring. People with severe snoring conditions are constantly waking up, and they never go into a deep sleep. In this video, you will learn about the causes, problems, and different techniques for stopping snoring.
Don't Let Dry Mouth In the Winter Keep You Up
In this video, I will share another tool that can help increase the quality of your sleep and reduce your chances of insomnia, especially in the wintertime. You will learn how to use a humidifier for you don’t like waking up to a dry mouth.
A Therapy Light Can Help Regulate Your Sleep Times
Here is another tool to help you improve the quality of your sleep and decrease your chances of having insomnia. The therapy light helps in regulating sleep and helps you stick to your regular bedtime and wake-up time. In this video, I will share with you the importance of a therapy light and how you can use of the therapy light.
Be Wary of Wearables and Apps
The fewer electronics in your bedroom, the more you are likely to have a good night sleep and reduce levels of insomnia. In this video, I will share with you reasons why you shouldn't use wearables, applications, and sleep tracking tools in the bedroom. I strongly recommend that you follow all the simple basic good habits before escalating to having electronic appliances on your body while you are trying to sleep.
Your Morning Will Affect Your Sleep
In this section, we will talk about your morning routine. Your morning routine is connected to you getting a good night sleep and getting rid of insomnia, so I will strongly encourage you to pay attention to this section of the course. Let's begin!
Early Morning Sunlight Is Great!
Sunlight sends a message to your brain that it is time to wake up and experience a different time of the day. Try to get some sunlight and a little fresh air when you wake up in the morning. In this video, I will share with you a great way to start your day.
Meditation Can Calm the Brain and Facilitate Sleep
In this video, I will share with you the best time to meditate, the beauty of meditating first thing in the morning, tips that will help you to meditate properly, and types of meditation. When you meditate in the morning, you will find it easier to turn your day off and focus on sleep when it is your bedtime. This routine will give a slight increase to you having a good night sleep and reducing your insomnia.
Journaling Can Relieve Stress On Your Brain
Another great practice in the morning is journaling. Journaling is writing what you are thinking about, what happened the day before, concerns, successes, etc. Getting your important thought down makes it easier not to obsess over your thought when you are trying to fall asleep or in the middle of the night. In this video, you will learn about how getting journaling can help relieve stress on your brain.
Exercise in the Morning
The morning is the perfect time to do some exercises. The morning is when you are supposed to have the most rest even if you didn't get a good night sleep, there are fewer distractions, and you have more self-discipline in the morning. Morning is the best time of the day to do some exercise. In this video, you will learn about how exercises can help you have a great night sleep and decrease your chances of having insomnia.
Fuel Your Body To Run Efficiently
I will not go into what you should eat for breakfast or whether you should skip breakfast or do intermittent fasting. I want you to give a lot of thought to giving your body the healthiest food you need. Many people have poor night sleep and insomnia because they garbage all day long. In this video, you will learn about the types of foods you should stay away from and those you should have if you want to have a good night sleep.
The Morning Coffee?
When talking about morning routines, you are probably expecting me to talk about taking a cup of coffee. If you drink coffee all day long, You will have problems falling asleep at night. Caffeine in coffee accumulates in the system that even if you are able to fall asleep, it can wake you up. In this video, you will learn about the side effect of taking excessive caffeine.
Your Diet Will Have a Good or Bad Impact on Your Sleep
There are other factors that you need to consider when it comes to your diet and how to fix your sleep. In this video, you will learn about all you need to take into consideration when it comes to your diet and what you generally eat. You cannot go wrong with water. Always take a look at what you are eating. When you eat garbage or processed foods, every part of your body is likely to operate less effectively, including sleep.
Alcohol Can Be Tricky When It Comes to Sleep
If you do drink alcohol, there are several things that you have to really keep in mind. Alcohol impedes the quality of your sleep, and you are much more likely to wake up early, not go into a deep sleep, wake up dehydrated, and hard to get back to sleep. In this video, you will get recommendations on taking alcohol and figuring out your limit. Alcohol can make you fall asleep faster, but that is not the goal. The goal is to have a good night sleep.
Move More!
If you do drink alcohol, there are several things that you have to really keep in mind. Alcohol impedes the quality of your sleep, and you are much more likely to wake up early, not go into a deep sleep, wake up dehydrated, and hard to get back to sleep. In this video, you will get recommendations on taking alcohol and figuring out your limit. Alcohol can make you fall asleep faster, but that is not the goal. The goal is to have a good night sleep.
Spend Time in Nature
Daytime activities can really help you sleep better at night. Find time to spend some time out in nature. You can go for a walk. Find out more about daytime activities you can do and the importance of spending time in nature in this video.
Schedule Digital Detox Periods Throughout Your Day
I highly recommend you go through digital detox during your daytime to help you get a better night sleep. In this video, you will learn about staying off cell phones, the internet, computers, and TV for a few hours each day. Find a convenient time for you to do digital detox to think, reflect, ruminate, and process what is going on in your life, which in turn helps you relax and get a good night sleep.
A Hot Soak Late In the Day Can Relax You
In this video, I will talk about another routine that can help you sleep at night, which is taking a hot bath late in the day or early evening for a few amount of time. A hot bath is a type of massage for the body, makes you relax, reduces stress, and dramatically increases the odds of having a good night sleep. Watch this video till the end to find out the importance of having a hot bath.
Avoid this Trap If You Ever Want to Sleep
We talked about not having your phone in your bedroom in previous videos. Instead of pressing your phone, reading a paper book will help you fall asleep quickly. In this video, we will talk about the biggest blunders and some of the worst habits you could make if you want to destroy a good night sleep or make insomnia even worse. I will share with you the biggest tip of all if you ever want to sleep.
Naps Can Be Tricky
In this video, we will talk about naps. Naps for some people are great, and many successful people do naps, but if you have trouble sleeping at night or have problems with insomnia, napping for more than 20 minutes in the day may cause your sleep problems. It is important that you test if you routinely fall asleep in the afternoon and sleep for 2 to 3 hours. If you do, watch this video for my recommendation so that you can get a good night sleep.
Good Sleep Habits Are Even More Important When You Travel
In this video, I am going to share with you a few tips and recommendations for getting better sleep before you travel in different time zones around the globe. I have recommendations on what and what not to do when you are on the airplane, when you have flown through the night, and you could not sleep on the plane. I will strongly recommend that you do not take sleeping pills.
Now Comes the Most Important Part
Thanks for spending time with me this far. I have given you best practices for good habits to help you sleep better and reduce insomnia. Now in this section, we are going to figure out how to make these best practices real. This is the most crucial aspect of the course because I will share with you a system to make things become a habit so that you do them automatically and reduce insomnia.
Why It Is So Hard To Get Sleep in the 2020s
It was relatively easy to get a good night sleep for most of human history, and scientists believe that humans slept for 9 hours and sometimes 10 or 11 hours a day. Now in the last 15 years, things have changed drastically. In this video, you will learn about the cause of the changes. This device bombards users with messages to grab their attention and, in turn, makes it even harder to get a good night sleep.
Turn Conscious Facts Into Unconscious Habits
There are specific habits you need to practice on a daily basis to get better sleep and reduce insomnia. You have heard many of them before, but how do you go from intellectually knowing these habits to actually building the habits. In this video, you will learn how to bring your sleeping goals into reality.
Marketing Good Sleep Habits To Your Brain
In this video, we will figure out how advertising can work for you. There is one form of advertising that is simple and easy. It is selfiespeak programming audio used to speak to yourself about all habits you want to follow on a daily basis to increase the odds of you getting a good night sleep. Watch this video to learn how to make a selfiespeak programming audio on your smartphone.
Here Is An Example of a Sleep SelfieSpeak Program
In this video, you will get an audio file that is my version of selfiespeak program to sleep, and you can change it. The audio is to guide you. The selfiespeak program helps you record your own daily habits goals, which will help you get a better night sleep.
Create Your Own SelfieText Program and Checklist
You can create a selfiespeak program for yourself. In this video, I will share with you a simple check list of to-do items that you can create for yourself to practice it every day to help you get a better night sleep. Combining a selfiespeak program and selfietext program is a powerful way to help you have healthy sleep practices.
Getting Close the The End - Get Ready!
We are almost at the end of this course on how to help you get a good night sleep and reduce insomnia. I hope you have been able to try some of the tips and techniques I shared with you. Most of all, I hope you have put together your own selfiespeak program to help you have a good night sleep.
Give Feedback On How to Improve this Sleep Course Now
We are heading to the conclusion. If you have any suggestions on improving this course and having a good night sleep, please leave a comment in the comment box or on Facebook. Please, let me know how to make this course better.
Congratulations! You are Ready for Good Sleep
Congratulations, you have come to the end of the course on having a good night sleep. I hope you have learned one or two things, and you now have a system in place to increase the odds that you are following good solid habits to increase the odds of you getting a good night sleep. Thank you for taking this course. I wish you a great night sleep every night for the rest of your life. Sweet dreams!