Back to School Prep: 5 Big Trends for the 2024-2025 School Year

Staying ahead of the latest trends and strategies to enhance student learning experience is important for superintendents and tutors alike. Just as your students have summer reading to keep their skills sharp, now is a perfect time for you to be ready for what’s ahead in the 2024-25 school year. Read further for key trends and hot topics.

Newsjacking Comes to the Classroom 

Newsjacking, the practice of leveraging current events and trending topics to create engaging and relevant content, is an increasingly popular tool in education. Tutors can make learning more dynamic and relatable by incorporating newsjacking into lesson plans and sessions. For example, tutors might use the current presidential election to help students understand the democratic process, or use polling numbers to teach about statistics, probability, and data analysis. This approach keeps students informed about the world and helps them see the practical applications of their studies to increase knowledge retention. 

Mental Health and Well-being Remain Top of Mind

The recent trend of increased attention to emotional health of students is set to continue in the upcoming academic year. School districts across the country increasingly recognize the need to support not only the academic, but also the emotional and psychological well-being of their students. 

Targeted professional development programs can equip educators with the skills to recognize signs and create a more holistic educational experience for students. Similarly, schools must work hand-in-hand with high-dosage tutors who serve as constant fixtures and frontline observers of student behavior changes. 

Gamified Learning Become Powerful Tools

Students of all ages love video games, and gamification is a trend that continues to grow in education. Incorporating elements such as points, badges, leader boards, and challenges in the learning environment can make it more engaging and motivating for students. Gamification can be especially effective in subjects that students often find challenging or less interesting. 

These platforms also fit into the tutoring environment seamlessly, mimicking the games students often play when returning home from school and creating a more relaxed environment in which to learn. For example, a math tutor might use a game-based platform to turn solving equations into a competitive and fun activity. 

Nontraditional Learning Models will be Mainstream

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of hybrid and blended learning models. It also led to an increase in the adoption of non-traditional learning environments. These approaches are likely to remain relevant in 2024 as chronic absenteeism remains a challenge for many schools. Each option provides flexibility and caters to students’ individual and diverse learning preferences. Teachers and tutors alike should be proficient in a wide range of teaching methods, as well as the technology that supports student success. 

Post-Pandemic Learning Loss Lingers

Narrowing the learning gap will continue to be a closely monitored situation in the coming school year. Studies show that student test scores either flatten or drop during the summer, compounding continued setbacks.

As the ESSER funds deadline looms, school administrators can secure the dollars needed to support initiatives that make an impact. States such as Oregon and Louisiana have created legislation to support tutoring during the summer and into the school year to not close the learning gap and build foundational skills in subjects like math and reading.

Staying informed about these trends and developments can help educators create a more engaging, supportive, and effective learning environment. 

For more ways to prepare for the 2024-2025 school year with fresh and innovative approaches, please contact us today.

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